Saturday, January 20, 2018

Support Federal Protection for Medical Marijuana

I am sending this to my contacts this morning to send to their Members of Congress...

Please vote yes to reauthorize Rohrabacher-Blumenauer and please let me know what I can do to motivate Congress to pass federal legislation to support the growth of the medical marijuana industry - an industry that is attracting  record numbers of women entrepreneurs in particular - and creating sustainable American jobs. Thank you for your service. 

Find your Congressional Representative:

You will need your Zip Code + 4. Find that here:!input.action

About Nathaniel Clevenger:

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Trump Creed

My father who art in biggly heaven hallowed be my name. 

My kingdom come. My will be done at Mar-a-Lago which is heaven. 

Give me this day my daily double cheeseburger. And forgive me my tweets but never forgive those who tweet against me. 

And lead me into as much vile temptation as possible but deliver me guiltless from all of the very evil people who can’t understand my genius.

For mine is the Kingdom, the power, and the large nuclear button, for at least the next few years, if not forever!