Let's imagine for a moment that we are Iran. We just had the world's only superpower invite itself into our troubled neighbors country -- a long-time enemy. We have had a long-running "jones" for the superpower. And, we are not exactly in the peak of economic health. In short, we have destablization written all over our faces. So, we decide to puff out our chest a little with some nuclear rocket rattling. We are the skinny punk in the neighborhood, afterall. We don't want any trouble from the rough kids who moved in. If you think of it this way, Iran's recent bizarre actions make a lot of sense.
I have stray teens who wander up my street many nights to party. I live on the side of a hill with a wide expanse of park across the street. I don't like them even parking there, much less getting out and partying, drinking, etc. The same territorial instinct -- even though the street is not technically my territory -- comes in to play here. Iran may not be correct in its behavior, but we can at least understand their belligerent stance.
So, what's to be done?
The United States needs to keep reminding the Iranians that we aren't interested in them. We also need to remind them that playing with dangerous weapons and flashing them about is no way to behave. In short, tell them that "We get it." They don't like us and they don't want us influencing the rest of their neighbors (or worse). The U.S. must also stop increasing the pressure through encouraging Israeli military bluster toward's the Iranians.
Historically, not since Alexandar the Great, has the West found Iran (then Persia) of much interest. Sure, the British liked it for a while. And, we liked it because of the oil, but history shows that the region has never quite been our cup of tea. So, let's leave it to them and focus on trying to improve our own culture. I am finding it increasingly painful to accept American troops in Iraq when we continue to have hunger, poverty and sick children who go un-helped here.
Today -- Easter Sunday 2007 -- 10 American soldiers were killed in Iraq. And, the emotionally unstable Muqtada al-Sadr, leader of the Shiites in Baghdad, has declared jihad on the American Military. We promised months ago to bring stablity to Baghdad. We have not succeeded and al-Sadr's had enough of our unfulfilled promises. He's, frankly, pissed at the wrong people. But, the sooner we are out of there, the sooner he can get on with the delayed battle he must have with his Sunni enemies. In short, I think we are simply in the way. We need to get out of the way and let these people fight it out. Does anyone believe that peace is going to result before both sides have had a chance to clobber each other?
I think it's important to ask for God's blessing to reach into the hearts of Sunni and Shiite alike to ask them to embrace each other for good instead of terror. I know I am praying for calm. It's likely in vain, however. Evil is apparently going to prevail in the short-run. We should stand on the sideline until the fight is over.