This group of socially-responsible business and civic leaders have been helping non-profits in Portland, Oregon, for the last seven years. They've given over $1 million in grants so far and far more than that in calculated value to their Investees (not to mention uncalculated value to the community.) I am borrowing some words here from an internal memo to the partners circulated by the hardworking new executive director, Mark Holloway. A fine man and dynamic leader originally from Louisiana.
In that email, Mark shared congratulations to the Portland City Council and mayor in recognizing the value of CASH Oregon’s good work in the community and funding it in their budget with $50k. Sam Adams’ office came to bat repeatedly for CASH, so big thanks to him, his staff and SVPP Partner Bruce Murray for all his work in securing that funding.
Note: My company helped CASH gets its wings three years ago. We developed the initial business and communications plan for the organization and one of our staff, Libbi Loseke Winter, served as an advisor to their board for the past couple of years. They're helping return millions of dollars in earned income tax credits back to families who need the cash. Jim Harper, the executive director, is one of the finest gentlemen you will ever meet. It has been a pleasure to be acquainted with him.