Dear Ones,
Seems like Governor Palin dodged a potentially fatal political bullet tonight. Senator Biden did well, too. So, what was being touted as the most watched vice presidential debate in history (does the media ever tire of superlatives?), turned out to be nothing more monumental than the kind of debate you might engage in at a cocktail party.
Every American should be gratified that these two people acted like fine Americans and not like guests on Jerry Springer. I think we can also see in Sarah Palin the kind of leader we saw in Ronald Reagan: an unflappable belief in the power of hope and belief in America. It's dogmatic, but the schtick works like a charm.
No question that Senator Biden's experience is far and away more impressive and significant than Governor Palin's. But, perhaps this election is not about what we should've done, but what we can do when we first believe that we can.