Memo to the board of directors of British Petroleum:
Get your (well) head out of your arses and fire Tony Hayward. Now, please. Lord help us, are you all really as stupid as you look on television? I can't imagine that you are. But, apparently you are.
The Conscious American
P.S. Was your media training session for Tony focused on getting him to a) not become rattled and b) give as few specifics as possible so he did not try to match wits with unarmed opponents? If so, be sure to fire your media training team on your way back to London you impotent tools. You received bad advice -- again.
P.P.S. And now I hear Tony Hayward is attending a yacht race. His balls must be made of titanium. Amazing. Is there any one at BP with an accountable bone in their body? Why are more Americans not outraged? BP must be kicked out of U.S. waters -- permanently.