Sunday, December 18, 2016

Trump Twitter-Additiction Tilts Toward Tiresome Tirades

December 4, 2016

Dear President-Elect Trump: 
Please cut the mind-numbing, stupid tweeting and focus on your promises. 
You are not the star of a television program any longer. You are the very embodiment of a nation. 
In other words, and with respect, stop acting like an idiot and start behaving like a person worthy of the responsibility you have been given. Unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud numbering in the millions is exactly the kind of illogical drivel we can do without. You want to make a claim like that? Then back it up with data or go through the legal process. Otherwise, shut it. 
Note to the Media: where the hell are you? WAKE UP!!! 
Are there no sober-minded advisors on your staff with the grit to help you eliminate your immature and self-defeating passion for reacting versus helping you respond intelligently? 
You won. Now grow up. Learn to temper your actions with wisdom. If you won't do it for yourself and your own children then do it for mine and their children to come. 
Yours truly, 

An imperfect but conscious American.