Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dear Children: Make No Mistake. Rush Limbaugh is a Crypto-Fascist


This past week in American history, a failed ballroom dancer and college drop out has become the de facto dictator of the Party of Lincoln in our nation. He's the kind of person who has an answer for everything, but understands the meaning of little.

In time he is either going to become an American Dictator (in some ways he already is) or he's going to fade into obscurity. In the mean time, he is dangerous and I hope as you read this you will not be victimized by his ideas or his comrades who are quite literally in arms.

The fact is, he is on record for expressing a hope that our popularly elected president, Barak Obama, fails as president. I should note that your father generally votes "conservative." So, he is no Obama agenda accolyte. President Obama has been in office less than two months and already Mr. Limbaugh is praying that his administration finds no solution to our nations problems - which are extremely difficult at this time. Mr Limbaugh's speech is not just wrong. It is morally bankrupt or worse.

For example, here's what he said to Sean Hannity in a recent interview on CNN:

"I said earlier I don't know about this guy (Obama). I really don't. I've got my — I've got my suspicions, and they're pretty close to convictions, but we're going to have to wait to see what he does." But you aren't "waiting," are you? You are simply increasing your own ratings and, byt extension, lining your own pockets, by attacking a man you admit you don't even know.

Oh, and here's the kicker. You say that the American public
"think(s) he's an intellectual because of the way he speaks. And it's all about how he speaks. And I look at some of the facial expressions of people when they're watching the guy, and it's frightening."

Gosh, Rush, are you talking about President Obama or about yourself?

Mr. Limbaugh believes that "more government" involvement in our lives is the problem, not the solution, to society's many ills. On the surface that would seem correct and few people would disagree. But, what is "more government?" Or, "big government?"

When the citizenry is involved in government to the extent that they were in this last round of elections, then what's bad about that? The electorate has been stirred to act mostly in reaction to the failed policies of the former administration. Anyone who thinks that the last eight years were better than the previous sixteen, then please stand up -- and check yourself in to a mental clinic.

Change may not be pefect, but it's needed and more government is what's needed now, not less, as long as the people remain as actively involved. Besides, the tree of liberty must be pruned occasionally. That's pruned, not chopped. Mr. Limbaugh seeks to chop the tree down in order to save it.

Democratically-elected governments are comprised of people, not automatons. Government management of issues is messy sometimes. Businesses suffer the same failings. But, it's not because governments - or businesses -- are inherently bad. They fail because the people involved in them failied for one reason or another, sometimes through no fault of their own.

In our country, the people make the laws. In Rush Limabaugh's bizarro world, he makes the laws. He is the only decider of what's right or wrong or correct or incorrect. And only he dictates how the entire Republican Party will act. He has is so feared by the current elected Republican Party leadership that they cannot publicly counter his arguments without fear of reprisal. Indeed, they make public apologies whenever he feels they have wronged him which when you think about is as funny as it is pathetic. I mean, you have Ivy League-educated leaders kissing the ass of a man who could not finish one full year of secondary education. His intellectual curiousity could be measured within the length of the pages in Mein Kampf. I'd go on, but I don't want to stray too far from my point.

This week, the chairman of the Republican Party, Michael Steele, dared to suggest that Mr. Limbaugh was little more than an entertainer. For this, Mr. Steele was savagely attacked by Mr. Limbaugh on his nationally-syndicated radio program. Mr. Limbaugh has enough empathy to fill a sub atomic particle.

A side note: People who lack empathy are ultimately dangerous and you should resist their twisted logic always or our democracy is doomed. Mr. Limbaugh has achieved a special place in American society. He has chosen to use that high place as a pulpit to spout hatred, negativity and -- frankly -- stupidity. He is neither smart nor particularly talented. You must see him for what he is: a morally corrupt voice pretending to a throne of his design.

More technically, Mr. Limbaugh is a crypto-fascist, but that's a high-falutin term. He tries to obfuscate his true desires in language that makes most Americans feel comfortable. But, they should not be fooled. Rush is not interested in what's best for them, their fellow Americans -- or the world. He's interested in what's best for Rush. He's interested in his own power. And he has little fear in attacking savagely those who oppose him. Besides, what does he have to fear? When real leaders like Mr. Steele seek to bring him down to earth, he villifies them and uses hysterical rhetoric to rally his ill-informed legions.

Kids, I have practiced negative rhetoric on a small scale. It's distatesful and ultimately self-destructive. By the time you are old enough to understand this I hope that Rush is long-forgotten by the public. Having said that, I wish him personal comfort and peace. I also wish his followers the same. But, I also pray for their eventual salvation from his negativity, reclacitrance and poorly-considered brand of rhetoric. We need real leaders, not narcisssistic mouthpieces who would not know a days hard work if it hit them with a shovel.